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How To Deposit TLOS to a Centralized Exchange

Deposit from Telos:

To deposit TLOS from the Telos Blockchain to a Centralized Exchange like KuCoin,, MEXC or Probit, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Deposit page on the exchange.
  2. Search for TLOS, and then select the blockchain Telos.
  3. You’ll then see the Deposit Address and Memo.
  4. Now, go to your Telos wallet and select the Send option.
  5. Enter the Deposit Address and Memo in the respective fields, and ensure they’re entered correctly.
  6. Enter the amount and proceed to send.
  7. Done! Your deposit will arrive on the exchange shortly.

Deposit from Ethererum/BSC:

To deposit TLOS from the Ethereum Blockchain or Binance Smart Chain to a Centralized Exchange, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the Deposit page on the exchange.
  2. Search for TLOS, and then select the appropriate blockchain – Ethereum (erc20) / Binance Smart Chain (BSC/ bep20).
  3. You’ll then see the Deposit Address.
  4. Now, go to your wallet and select the Send option.
  5. Enter the Deposit Address.
  6. Enter the amount, make sure you have enough ETH/BNB to cover the gas fees and proceed to send.
  7. Done! Your deposit will arrive on the exchange shortly, usually after 12 confirmations.